5 Hacks I Use to Fight the Heat in the Summer (No AC)

If you’re like me and don’t have the luxury of an air conditioner, you’ll understand how unbearable it can be staying at home. Over the past month, it felt impossible for me to study and finish up projects because near where I live, there are tons of forest fires spreading up and the smoke coming out of them have been engulfing the landscape, making the air quality terrible, stifling, and foggy. Being in a heatwave can wreak havoc on my mind since I process everything so much slower. Here are five ways I try to feel less dizzyingly warm or cool off, without an AC.

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Ways I Partially Digital Detox: Ongoing List

Since my digital detox post from a few months ago was one of my most read ones, I thought it’d be helpful to create a list of ways I digital detox and add on to it whenever I notice a tip. Just because I find that ideas always come to me when I don’t force myself to think of writing them out. And so that everything can be on one list. ☺

By digital detox, I won’t necessarily completely shy away from digital devices but I do activities which I feel are less strenuous on my eyes for instance or help me look away from my phone or laptop more (hence the title partially digital detox). This is because realistically speaking, I find it hard to immediately shut off my mind from using digital devices and these steps are a good way for me to transition.

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5 Study Tips I Learnt Over these Years


I remember heading into class on the first day of university and scrambling to take down notes from profs on how to study. There were a few key things they repeatedly said:

Try to write all your notes by hand in lecture, as research has shown that those who do so remember the course material better. The other tip was to do all the required readings each week and read them three times.

Over these years at uni, I realized that these tips do not work for me. I’m not saying they won’t work, but I find other methods to work better for me personally. Below are 5 tips I’ve learned to acquire during my years as a uni student to study better. Some of them even run counter to what a lot of my profs said. In other words, you can think of this as a guide for procrastinators.

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